Saturday, 28 February 2015

Beranjak Dewasa

Arti Pergi?
(oleh Niken Priscilla)

Canda terlalu berarti
Meski sebenarnya tanpa arti
Perlu kalian mengerti ?
Jika aku akan pergi

Mereka harus berarti
Meski kataku tanpa arti
Perlu aku mengerti ?
Jika aku akan pergi

Pikiran untuk bergerak
Walau hati terus menolak
Cemas hanyalah jarak
Saat aku pergi kelak

Jika aku pergi
Masih perlu diberi arti?
Masa tidak mengerti

Dan aku tak berarti

Sains & Seni

         Jika dilihat dari segi pelajaran tentunya sains dan seni merupakan 2 pelajaran yang berbeda. Padahal dalam kehidupan kedua hal ini berkaitan erat. Dalam debat ini, salah satu penjelasan terbaik mengenai keterkaitan keduanya dibahas oleh Neil deGrasse Tyson, seorang astrofisikawan dan direktur planetarium Hayden milik NASA.

          Pembahasan ini dimulai dengan ceritanya mengenai William Herschel dan penemuan planet Uranus. Sebagai seorang astronom, William Herschel didanai oleh kerajaan Inggris pada zaman itu yang dipimpin oleh King George. Dana yang diberikan Inggris begitu banyak sehingga William memiliki teleskop terbesar di dunia pada saat itu yang membuatnya dapat melakukan observasi objek-objek langit dengan jelas. Saat menemukan Uranus, untuk menghormati King George dan membuat aliran dana terus mengalir, William Herschel menamai planet tersebut George. Jadi pada saat itu planet-planet tata surya adalah: Merkurius, Venus, Bumi, Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, dan George. Nama George tentunya tidak sesuai dengan planet-planet lain yang dinamai sesuai dengan nama Dewa-dewi Yunani. Oleh karena itu, para ilmuwan setelah Herschel mengganti nama planet George menjadi Planet Uranus. 

          Masing-masing planet dalam tata surya dikelilingi oleh beberapa satelit yang dikenal sebagai bulan. Bulan tersebut dinamai sesuai dengan nama dewa-dewi Yunani yang berhubungan dengan dewa Roma pada planet yang bersangkutan. Contohnya: Planet Jupiter, yaitu Zeus dalam mitologi Yunani, dikelilingi oleh salah satu bulan yang bernama Ganymede yang merupakan pembawa cangkir di Olympus yang diculik Zeus. Untuk menyenangkan pihak Inggris, karena mereka sangat berkuasa, aturan ini tidak berlaku untuk penamaan satelit-satelit planet Uranus. Hal ini menyebabkan bulan-bulan di planet Uranus memiliki nama yang diambil dari tokoh-tokoh dalam karya sastra William Shakespeare, seperti: Miranda, Umbriel, Ariel, dan lain-lain.
          Tyson menjelaskan bahwa cerita tersebut hanya merupakan pengantar untuk kisah sebenarnya yang ingin Ia ceritakan. Cerita tersebut mengenai anak dari William Herschel, yaitu John Herschel. John Herschel berjasa dalam penemuan fotografi. Penemuan fotografi pada tahun 1839 selanjutnya tidak dikembangkan dalam 1 abad kemudian. Tetapi, penemuan ini yang mengubah dunia. Setelah penemuan fotografi, banyak perang dan kejadian penting lain yang dapat diabadikan termasuk foto pribadi. Hal ini membuat para artis yang dahulu disewa untuk menggambarkan foto pribadi atau kejadian-kejadian ini tak perlu lagi membuat lukisan yang berdasarkan fakta atau penglihatan. Saat tersebut memungkinkan para pelukis untuk menggambar suatu kenampakan berdasarkan perasaan mereka tentang kenampakan tersebut. Kejadian ini melahirkan suatu aliran seni baru: IMPRESIONISME.
        Kepopuler gaya Impresionisme memuncak pada saat seorang pelukis Belanda terkenal, Vincent van Gogh melukis karya agungnya, "The Starry Night" tahun 1889 (gambar). Dalam lukisan tersebut langit dengan berbagai bintang bercahaya terang (Bintang yang paling terang adalah Planet Venus) hanya menjadi latar belakang bagi sebuah perkampungan. Namun, langit tersebut malah dijadikan judul atau fokus objek dari keseluruhan lukisan. Karena terkenalnya lukisan ini, banyak orang terinspirasi untuk melakukan pengamatan pada langit malam. Hal ini menyebabkan bidang astronomi menjadi bidang pelajaran yang populer pada saat itu. Kejadian ini mengakibatkan maraknya kemajuan sains pada abad-19. Salah satunya adalah Teori Relativitas Einstein yang diajukan tahun 1905.

        Neil Tyson menjelaskan bahwa kemajuan sains tidak dapat terjadi apabila pelaku seni sama sekali tidak memiliki ketertarikan pada bidang tersebut. Pelaku seni dapat mempopulerkan berbagai hal melalui berbagai media atau cara. Kemampuan seni untuk mempengaruhi jiwa seseorang mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu, salah satunya untuk terlibat dan memajukan sains. 


Friday, 27 February 2015

Berdiri di Kaki Gunung

(Oleh Niken Priscilla)

Puncak sebatas pandangan
Melingkupi dengan bayangan
Cakrawala hanya gambaran
Membuat kita bertanya: Kapan ?

Puncak sebatas mata
Bila dicapai dalam kepala
Tangan tak raih awan berada
Jika kaki diam di tanah

Kalau diri bersahaja
Biarlah mulai melangkah
Agar langit tak sekedar asa
Tapi menjadi berkah

Angan tak akan basi
Bila tak tinggal determinasi
Impian butuh berani
Berani untuk tidak berhenti

Walau jalan serasa duri
Biar angin menyayat diri
Bertahan untuk melewati
 Setiap langkah ialah prestasi

 Karena mimpi tidak semata lamunan
Tetapi butuh pekerjaan
Karena hidup tidak sekedar berangan
Tetapi terus berjalan

Puncak tak pernah sebatas pandangan
Perjalanan meluruhkan bayangan
Cakrawala tak pernah hanya gambaran

Diri ini menentukan kapan

Menuju Kelulusan

Langit tak pernah milik mereka yang berpijak dan memandang


untuk mereka yang melakukan dan menaklukan


Short Story: Stars in The Sky

         “PLANE DISAPPEARED ON SUMBA STRAIT”. Everybody was talking about the news’ headline. Usually, I would not be interested, but there was something, someone particularly, that caught my attention. Ahmar Sukadji, the pilot of the aircraft.
           Since I was little, I have loved the night sky. I would have got out of my room, run out to my backyard, and laid there on the grass. The Divine Creator, I would never comprehend, but I thanked Him for the beauty of the night. In the morning, I would wake up in excitement. I could not wait to go to school. I remembered how simple it was back then. School was about making friends and hearing stories. I had been lucky enough to come from a privileged family. Making friends was easy, almost everyone had heard the name Mandaka Nayottama. My father, he was one of the richest men in Jakarta.
            Ahmar, where do I start? I remembered how school was hard for him to surpass. Innumerable mocks and isolation had played the major part. Nevertheless, he had always looked profoundly cheerful. He had been a close friend of mine. No, not at school where everyone would have been able to blab. I have always been afraid of judgment, of ruining my image, but honestly, who does not? If you do not, at least, Ahmar respected my necessity.
            I was 8 years old when I first met Ahmar. He came with his parents, my father had brought them to work at my house. His father was my gardener and his mother was a maid, she worked in several houses in my neighborhood. Even until now, I do not have any idea how my father found them. I remembered my first encounter with Ahmar, his bone jutted right under his dark skin that was as filthy as he had survived an atomic explosion. I was afraid and at the same time curious, so I reached out my hand, offering a handshake. And that was the first time I saw a real smile, a sincere one.

            “Mr. Gala, why are you still laying on the grass? It’s dark already.” Ahmar asked me once, when he saw me doing my nighttime routine.
            “Well Ahmar, that’s utterly none of your business.”
            “If I had one, I would have been as wealthy as Mr. Mandaka.”
            “Don’t you find it astonishing? Look at the sky.”
            “There are more stars in the place where I come from,” Said Ahmar, he laid on his back too, joining me.
            “Mr. Gala, I think that there are lots and lots of stars that if everyone on this earth bring one home, the sky will still look ornate” Ahmar continued.
            “Do you have any idea how big the stars are, Ahmar ? No one will ever be able to bring even one home.”
            “I know, but I want to ask God to make it smaller.”
            “That’s ridiculous. Why would you want to do it?”
            “So I can bring one for you and one for Mr. Mandaka.”
            I had never met someone as genuine as him. His imagination was incredible. He always had this unusual optimism, I wonder if he still kept it in the last minutes of his life.
            “Ahmar, have you ever thought why the sky contains billions of stars but still looks so dark?” Asked me once when he accompanied me doing my interest, I was 12 by that time.
            “Because if it’s not dark enough, we won’t be able to see the stars. I reckon it’s the same as if we never feel the despair of sobbing, we won’t be able to understand the joy of laughter,” I did not think he would have answered me with such discreet.
            “Why did you ask me that question?” Ahmar asked me back.
            “Because sometimes I think the night sky is the only one that understands me. I have a lot of friends, everything that money can buy, I can have it, just like the sky adorned with abundance of stars. But I feel sad Ahmar, just like the empty space between those stars.”
Ahmar did not say anything.
            I did not sleep that night. I felt just empty. The next afternoon, I woke up late. It was Saturday but Ahmar did not make me brunch. As a matter fact, I could find neither him nor his family. I asked my father where Ahmar was. He said that Ahmar and his family had to go back to their hometown, because Ahmar’s grandmother passed away and nobody wanted to take care of her and her desolated land so they could not come back to my house. I was desperate that time, however, Ahmar left me a letter.

“To my dearest Mr. Gala,
You know, I have always wanted to be a pilot. I want to take people high off the ground, to places they have dreamt of. I want to hear them astounded by the view from above, realising that they soon will start a new adventure. I want to be the one that remind them, that they have another chance of meeting their loved ones on the other side. But, the more that I think about the probability of one day I can kill those people make me forget about every other days I can make them feel blissful.
            Sometimes, we are too withdrawn with our own perception that we forget other possibilities exist. Mr. Gala, every time you are attracted to ponder the dark part of the night, why don’t you try to measure it? As you understand that it is immeasurable, you will realise how ridiculous it was to start measuring. The dark sky is the perfect background for the stars, and as the stars are countless, so are your reasons to be happy.
                                                                                                Best regards,
                                                                                                Your friend,

            I have never heard again from him, but that one letter has changed how I see the world. I had never thought that shabby looking boy I met 15 years ago would have inspired me so much. Wherever he is now, I am grateful that I have had the chance to recognise him.


Since its premiere on October 26th Interstellar has been a widespread topic on the internet, people around the world  discussed every aspects of the movie. Furthermore, Interstellar triumphed 9.0 on IMDb which classified as high mark. Considering the facts that was mentioned above, along with our needs to cool down our minds after a week full of ten tests in a row, we decided to watch Interstellar on November 22nd together.

            The movie was set in the near dystopian future. Humanity was facing extinction for the earth could no longer sustain life. It has been plagued with famine, crop blight, and drought. The story was focused to a former NASA pilot, Cooper, portrayed by Matthew McConaughey, who managed a farm with his family. He lived with his father in law, his adolescent son, Tom, and 10-years-old daughter, Murphy, portrayed by Mackenzie Foy. Murphy thought that there was a ghost in her room that was trying to communicate. Soon, Cooper and Murphy found out that the “ghost” was an unidentified intelligence that attempted to connect with them through gravitational waves that symbolises binary and morse code. The code was interpreted by Cooper, revealing a coordinate to a hidden NASA headquarter.
            Cooper and his daughter were welcomed by Professor Brand and his collegaues. They uncover a plan to restore humanity on alternative planet using a wormhole that has been made by extraterrestrial intellect to escape the solar system. Three potential planets, which orbit Gargantua black hole, have been examined each by three astronauts; Dr. Mann, Edmunds, and Miller, on former Lazarus missions. Cooper is given a task to pilot a spacecraft called Endurance on a mission to retrieve the astronauts data. Professor Brands explained two plans; Plan A and Plan B. Plan A was if any planet is proved habitable, humanity will follow on space stations which will be completed when they come back, while Plan B was if Plan A fails, they will not come back and will spawn civilisation, with fertilised embryos they brought, in another planet. The fact that Cooper had to leave his family made Murphy upset. Consequently, she choosed not to talk to Cooper even after his departure. Despite her daughter’s rage, Cooper still said that he will come back and he loves her so much.
            Cooper joined with biologist Amelia Brands (Anne Hathaway), Brand’s daughter, physicist Romilly (David Gyasi), geographer Doyle (Wes Bentley), and artificial intelligence TARS (voiced by Bill Irwin) and CASE (voiced by Josh Stewart). They entered the wormhole and went to Miller’s planet. Because of gravitational time dilation, every hour spent on the surface was akin to 7 years on Earth. The planet was found inhabitable as it covered with water and shook by enormous waves. When a wave hit, Doyle was killed and their vehicle was damaged that it took them several hours to be able to return to the spacecraft. When they got back to Endurance, 23 years had passed.
            On Earth, Murphy was grown up and currently worked at NASA, helping Professor Brands. On his deathbed, he disclosed that he have not and could not solve the equation to migrate humanity to another world. Murphy realised that she could solve the problem, but only if she had data to black hole’s singularity.
In the Endurance, the ship was low on fuel. The crew had to choose between Mann’s and Edmunds’ planet. Despite Amelia’s intuition to go to Edmunds’, Cooper and Romily won the vote to go to Mann’s Planet for they knew that Amelia was emotionally involved with Edmunds and Mann was still transmitting data.
            Arrived at Mann’s planet, Cooper received a message from Murphy that said the whole Plan A was a deception and it has always been Plan B all along. Cooper was disappointed. Moreover, Mann unveiled to him that his data was fake, the planet was fulfilled with ammonia, frosty, and unpromising. He lied so that he could be saved. Mann, then tried to kill Cooper because he wanted to proceed Plan B, whereas Cooper wanted to go home. He smashed Cooper’s space helmet and then fled. On the other side, Romily died as an explosion ensued when he found out Mann’s data was implausible. Fortunately for Cooper, Amelia came to rescue him. They saw Mann’s shuttle landed improperly on Endurance. Its airlock depressurised, destroying Mann along with his shuttle to pieces. The Endurance was also damaged and lost its control, but, Cooper was able to stabilise it.
            With only a little fuel left, they decided to go to Edmunds’ Planet, using the Gargantua black hole’s enormous gravity to slingshot. Unbeknownst to Amelia, Cooper and TARS detached themselves to venture the black hole and search data for singularity, also to subside Endurance mass. Hence, Amelia would reach Edmunds’ Planet. Cooper and TARS mysteriously found themselves inside a hyperspaced cube, a tesseract, where time was appeared as a spatial dimension and gateways to Murphy’s bedroom at different times. Cooper learned that the tesseract has been constructed by future human in order to communicate with Murphy through him, as the “ghost”. Cooper and TARS transmitted their data to adult Murphy, using gravitational waves through binary and morse code. Murphy was successfully solve the equation. Cooper later awakened on a space station and reunited with elderly Murphy that told him to rescue Amelia on Edmunds’ Planet, the new habitable world..
            Interstellar was indeed a complicated movie. Its long plot brought us deeper to the story gradually. It was not a monotonous movie with the duration of 169 minutes. A lovely plot as the basic combined with a great filmography and smooth editing techniques kept audiences astounded during the movie. We got the chance to see how life goes in outer space and had our questions about outer space mechanism answered.
            “Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” A poem by Dylan Thomas was uttered many times during the movie. It turned out that the poem more or less described the plot of the movie. ‘Good night, close of day, and dying of the light’ were a metaphor for the end of the day which was the condition people confronted in the movie. And by the second and third lines, it was declared that old men was not supposed to die or disappear easily from life but they should struggle against the death.

              The plot itself was not only speak about science but also many life values such as, kinship, humanity, bravery, and self-control. A kinship between father and daughter was clearly seen from the beginning until the end of the movie. It presented how father and daughter should connected and loved each other. Interstellar also exposed humanity that was needed to be fought for all people on earth. Moreover it showed how important it was to have bravery and sel-control to survive at unpleasant times.

            By and large, Christopher Nolan, the director and co-writer of the movie, succeeded at creating a high standard for science fiction. The story was well written and the plot twist was thoughtful. Our formidable universe was depicted with stunning animation techniques. Even though the movie lasts for hours, every second wasted is worthy. Also, Interstellar  successfully communicated complex science in such a way that people without specialised knowledge in astrophysics, would be able to understand. We are looking forward to watch it again.